Shinnecock Canal Gate Openings

When the gates are open, you can pilot right through the canal and the locks are not used. The current normally flows to the south when the gates are open. The gates closed at other times and you can lock through. The current is relatively tame within a hour of the gate opening or closing. At other times, it can be wild. Watch out for the eddies on the south side by the bridge. I would avoid going south with the current when it is raging. Going north when it is raging probably requires something much more than slow speed no wake to maintain control. Same going is true going with the current if you are brave enough to do it but hold onto your hat for a fast ride through the narrow passages.

The best information on the gate openings and closers is available by calling Shinnecock Canal 631-852-8299. They said that the openings and closings are based on Sandy Hook. I computed the offsets based on information they gave me and came up with the table below. It's not been tested yet so use at your own risk.

2:05 after high at Sandy HookApproximate opening of gate
2:10 after low at Sandy HookApproximate closure of gate

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